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We’re back!

After a lengthy downtime, the Ministry website is back online! We will be bringing in some of the original posts from the old website as well as new content in the days to come!

The Ministry
As you enter in the Ministry of Presence
To give the Lord Your time
I pray for strength to overcome
Each mountain you must climb
Sometimes the paths where He will lead
Won’t seem the easy way:
But He will give you grace to stand
Before Him that last day.
So if you are ever tempted to call it quits
And turn from this great call,
Remember if only one child is touched,
It will be worth it all.

About the Ministry

Our Mission

The Ministry of Presence is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting the children of Haiti with their nutritional, medical, and educational needs.  It is our mission to improve their basic quality of life and promote economic advancement.  To achieve these goals, the Ministry will provide material, spiritual and human support to the children of Haiti through activities and programs.


  • Dennis Schuermann, President & Director
  • Linda Denis, Vice-President & Director
  • Donald Boger, Sr, Secretary & Director
  • Bonner Joy, Director